Monday, March 10, 2025

New! I Married a Goobie, a Humorous Sexy Sci-Fi Romance by Linda Mooney writing as Carolyn Gregg



I Married a Goobie
Humorous Sexy Sci-Fi Romance
By Linda Mooney writing as Carolyn Gregg
Word Count: 22.8K
$2.99 e / $7.99 p

Let me tell you about the night I was on the most perfect date of my life when I got attacked by a pair of enormous alien chopsticks, which then shoveled me into a giant plastic straw that Hoovered me up into their alien spacecraft. When I got there, I had to pleasure an oversized green donut with custard cream filling. And when all was said and done...

Well, that's when the you-know-what hit the fan, and everything just got real. 

And it was only the beginning!

Excerpt and Buy Links

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

New! K8, The 8th Species, Book 3, a Contemporary Sci-Fi Romance By Linda Mooney



The 8th Species, Book 3
Contemporary Sci-Fi Romance
By Linda Mooney
Word Count: 52.6K
$3.99 e / $10.99 p

The Children are settling into their new lives, but unexpected expenses are piling up with the babies’ milk and diapers, and the electricity bill on the rise as the brunt of winter inundates them. Everyone is doing what they can to pitch in, working extra shifts and doing whatever it takes to keep their heads above financial waters, to the point where K8 is contemplating using her ability to split in two to do double the work. But how much longer can they keep it up?

When K8 is approached by a publisher to tell the Childrens’ story, she’s hesitant to trust the guy, but she likes the idea. She’s always loved writing, and she’s been wanting to get back into it. Plus the extra money from book sales would definitely help. But is their story worth sharing? 

Adam has been working with K8 at the diner for a while now, and his feelings for her keep growing. He’s leery of the publisher, fearing the man is someone looking to take advantage of the Childrens’ innocence, and he takes it upon himself to protect K8. As he earns her trust, he’s hoping he’ll also gain her affection.

While they may have been raised in an unrealistic environment, the Children are quickly learning how the real world works, and know some people don’t have their best interests at heart. Worse, the threat of retaliation from Docenti Labs is still real, and those people will never stop coming for them or for the valuable information they claim was stolen. 

Warning: Contains a great tipper, needing a lawyer, when you're a cook and not a housekeeper, a nine point five, leftover meatloaf, injections from hell, and one man trying to protect the woman he's come to love at the risk of his own life.

Friday, January 31, 2025

New! DARK HOURS, a Fantasy Romance by Linda Mooney



Fantasy Romance
by Linda Mooney
Word Count: 23.4K
$2.99 e / $7.99 p

       Note: Although this is a sweet romance, it does contain scenes of violence. 

After eliminating the ruling family of Noranye, Gola's next and true target for revenge is the dead king's commander of the Royal Guard, Centurion Kayge d’Bayar.

However, she doesn't plan to outright kill him. No, her plan is to utterly destroy him mentally and emotionally by going after the one true love of his life, Emers Ammin of Deccatar. And she will use every dark power at her disposal to do so.

But first she must find where the newly married couple have escaped to, and she doesn't care who she has to torture to get that information, even if it is the priest who married them.

Warning! Contains death by faith, dragon phlegm, bitter cold, full-throated revenge, and a couple's hope that their steadfast love will protect them against the blackest of evil.

Excerpt and Buy Links

Saturday, September 28, 2024

New! Another Battle Lord’s Fury, Book 11 of The Battle Lord Saga, a Sci-Fi/Futuristic/Post-Apocalyptic Romance by Linda Mooney



Another Battle Lord’s Fury
Book 11 of The Battle Lord Saga
Sci-Fi/Futuristic/Post-Apocalyptic Romance
by Linda Mooney
Word Count: 78.6K
$4.99 e / $16.99 p

A life for a life. When one is gone, another is promised to take its place.

Unexpected visitors with an invitation to a horse sale and auction from an unknown battle lord piques Yulen D’Jacques’ interest. The opportunity to renew their horses’ bloodlines is too good to pass up, although he knows the trek will be long and dangerous.

Yulen worries Atty isn’t yet up to the trip, but she refuses to let him go without her, even if that means leaving the children behind. The decision is a hard one, but they won’t risk Mattox and Mistelle’s lives along with their own. Although Bloods are still a threat, along with any number of other creatures, they plan to make a few stops and hopefully pick up some allies along the way, both Mutah and Normal.

The scenes they stumble upon along the way are vicious. Entire settlements have been slaughtered, soldiers mutilated. And just when the group think they’ve made it to the safety of the compound for the sale, they learn that Normals can be more brutal than Bloods. The new battle lord is anti-Mutah, and when his plot to take advantage of his visitors comes to light, Yulen won’t stand for it.

Ghosts from Yulen’s past also resurface, bringing a secret to light. Can Yulen and Atty work through it? Will he be able to step up and do what’s right? Of course he will. It’s what a good battle lord would do. And it’s time to teach everyone else that lesson.

Warning! Contains lessons in swordplay, a bet, deliciously prepared lizard, blame, rigged games, lessons in cookie dunking, blood and Bloods, and a love sorely tried that grows and becomes stronger.

Excerpt and Buy Links:

Monday, August 5, 2024

New Release: Breakfast in Bed by Missy Jane


Breakfast in Bed

Lizbeth has set a challenge for herself—get down to her ideal weight by her fortieth birthday and then do something out of her comfort zone. Posing nude for a college art class is definitely out of her comfort zone, and the hot gaze of a young man in the front row has her confidence rising with every swipe of his brush on canvas.

In the twelve years since puberty hit, Emanuel has never had such a hard time hiding an erection. The final project in his senior art class is the worst place for it to happen, but with the woman laid out before him like a goddess it’s inevitable. And she is a goddess. Older than him by at least ten years, she wears her maturity like the finest jewels, enticing him more than any woman has in a long time.

A chance meeting puts Lizbeth in Emmanuel’s path, but then tragedy keeps her by his side. As they spend more time together and grow closer, she must decide if committing to a man nearly half her age is what she wants. Emmanuel is all in, or is he? Could it just be circumstances causing the intense feelings to rise so fast, or is it truly love?

Content warning: death of a family member.

Breakfast in Bed is part of Missy Jane's Sophisticated Women series, age-gap romances where the women are older than the men. It's currently available for preorder with a release date of August 16th:

Saturday, August 3, 2024

New! HIRAM, Terrariums Book 2, a Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal Romance by Linda Mooney



Book 2 - Hiram
Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
by Linda Mooney
Word Count:  8.2K
$0.99 e

Welcome to BEWITCHERY Floral Arts & Gifts.

When the old man came to buy a tulip for his sick wife, something about him tugged at Agatha's heart. It wasn't until she learned the story about Hiram's plight that she knew she had to do something to make his and his wife's life better.

That was before a kid entered the shop with a gun.

Excerpt and Buy Links:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Now Available as an Audiobook! PAYA Tarraka, Book 1, a Dark Sci-Fi Romance by Linda Mooney

Now Available as an Audiobook!

Tarraka, Book 1
Dark Sci-Fi Romance
Word Count: 67.1K
$3.99 e / $10.99 p

Narrated by
Jessica Mathison
Length: 6 hr, 25 min
Hear a Sample

Tired of sitting back while their borders are being attacked regardless of peace treaties signed, Amalt Paya decides to take it upon herself to investigate anyway, regardless of the punishment she’ll face for defying direct orders not to. Her people are dying. What she and her fellow Ree warriors soon discover is worse than she thought. Entire towns are being razed to the ground. But how? And by who? Their enemy is not who they once thought.

Ivan Mandrake, a lieutenant colonel in the United Planetary Forces, is tracking a race called the Ya that is destroying planets. Following the Ya to a planet the UPF isn’t allowed to touch, he and his group come across a legion of winged warrior females. Their orders are to not make contact with the indigenous species of the planet, but the Ya are attacking, which means he and his men don’t have a choice.

The Ree know nothing of the technology the Terrans have, but Paya trusts them to help. Unfortunately, the Ree leaders don’t share that trust for the Terrans or Paya. She’s labeled a traitor, stripped of her title, then sent to the breeding stocks as punishment for the rest of her days. But she’s not done fighting, they won’t break her, and Ivan won’t stop fighting for her.

Regardless of the way her people have wronged her, Paya is still determined to save them from the Ya. With Ivan by her side, her feelings for him grow, and she knows Ivan cares for her, but she’s unworthy now of his love. She’s tainted after what her kind did to her. He’ll have to work to convince her otherwise.

In the meantime, their mission is to save her planet. Together.

Warning! Contains trust issues, fields of destruction, debilitating pain, alien castles, lies and deceit, a brutal punishment, spaceship billiards, saving bacon, unorthodox and spur-of-the-moment decisions, loving promises, and one woman learning to accept the fact that the man she's come to love is willing accept her under any circumstances.

Excerpt and Buy Links